Friday, February 23, 2018

Walk in Creativity

Ladies please visit my website and share my link with others who might be looking for handmade items to decorate with or by as a gift for someone else. I would really appreciate it. 

Its called Walk in Creativity. Today is my Grand Opening of the site. There you will find Creations by me and a few collectible items I am selling as well. I put a lot of thought and work into making things I think will be appealing to others who love to decorate. I have always loved to create and or collect pretty things to display in my home. For years others have told me that I should try and market my things because there are others like me who love to decorate and make things but might not have the time to do it or may even need a nudge in the direction of pulling together a certain look within the home decor. A month ago I decided to step out on Faith and see where the Grace of God would lead and take me in doing so. I immediately got busy and started making things and packing them away until I thought I had enough to open a website for business. I hope when you browse through the pages you will like what you see and want to see them displayed in your own home. Nothing is easy and some things are more challenging then others but you never know what you can succeed at doing until you at least try. If you have any questions about anything listed feel free to send me an email. I will be taking customized orders for things as well so if you don't see something you would like to have made let me know and I will see what we can work out together. Again, thank you for stopping by and don't forget with your first order you will receive a free gift from me for you support.

Any gift purchased from Walk in Creativity also helps the St Jude Foundation. I will be donating a part of my earnings to them. We must always remember it is a blessing to give as well as it is to receive things. I could not have a business and not give back in some way to somebody. Everyone enjoy your weekend.

Walk in Creativity,
Sherri Catherine

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