Giving Thanks!
In Everything Give thanks for this is the will of God
for you in Christ Jesus! As we prepare to celebrate
Thanksgiving which after ushers in the celebration of
the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus, the Christ,
let us not forget to be thankful unto God each and
everyday for his many blessings. We all should be
grateful for the many blessings God bestows upon us
daily. God tells us in His Word to be thankful, and we
know from our own experience that once we seriously
start praising God, our burdens and troubles seem to
lighten to a weight that’s more easy to carry. We
should get into the habit of being thankful. When a
person does something nice for you, let him know you
appreciate it. We should meditate daily on things for
which we are thankful for such as food on our tables,
clothes on our backs, and homes that shelter us. I bet
if you grab a pen and a tablet you could make a list
that goes on and on of the things you can thank God
for, not just today but over the years as you look
back on your life.
As the holidays approach don't forget to reach out to
someone that may be alone this coming holiday season
who may be hurting because they have lost someone they
loved recently and might be feeling down. A call, a
card, a letter, or a visit can make the world of
difference to that person who is hurting or feeling
alone this holiday season. If we practice being a
Blessing to someone and giving of ourselves to another
just as God so loved us that He gave his only Begotten
Son, Jesus we began to reflect the loving Character
that God created us in his image to be.
I am so pleased at the progression of the
Woman2Woman Lounge, we are an Online Woman's Lounge
that has the hopes of one day being an online
Magazine. Moms Working for the Kingdom our Community of
Christian Businesses Women conducts interviews
weekly on different women in ministry & business. She
could be a CWAHM, she could be a Christian Women with
a business outside of her home. She could also be a
Woman who is Christian that has her own Christian
Based Business. Either way these extraordinary women
of God converse with us Woman2Woman and allow us to
publish their stories in our Lounge to encourage and
inspire other women.
Right now, Moms Working for the Kingdom is hard at
work in trying to make and keep our lounge an
interesting and inviting place for others to visit.
Beside publishing interviews we want strive to be
informative to the public with the posting of current
events. We post articles pertaining to marriage and
family, finances & health and we also post
devotionals. Make sure you continue to check in on us
You can be added to our mailing list by emailing us @ please put mailing list
on the subject line of your email.
I want to wish everyone a wonderful coming
Thanksgiving holiday. I hope you enjoy the parades,
football games, food, fun and fellowship with your
Be sure and check out Hands of Worship Gifts where we
are showcasing our great holiday gift baskets and
other inspirational gifts for the entire family! We
have some great discounts going on for the holiday!
Take the hustle and bustle out of your shopping
experience and avoid long holiday lines and expensive
parking fees and order online with us and have your
gifts shipped directly to your door.
In closing I want to wish you a blessed day, thank you
for your continued support, and leave you with a
scripture to meditate on.....
I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall
continually be in my mouth...Psalm 34:1
In His Service,
Sherri C. Walker, Editor, W2W Lounge &
Founder of Moms Working for the kingdom &
CEO of Hands of Worship Gifts
To view our gift selection visit the "Hands of Worship
website at or
contact the webmaster at
This newsletter distributed courtesy of Sherri C.